
0-impact built environment

Ronald Rovers, owner/Director of RiBuilT , has been active in international energy and materials research‑related to the built environment for many years. He has been affiliated with Wageningen University, Zuyd University UAS, and recently as distinguished Fellow of the TU Eindhoven, fac. Built Environment.
For 25 years runs his own research office, first as SBScentre, now as RiBuilT. He is a well-known speaker, writer, and futurethinker, he organized many conferences in the field. In 2000 he was the organizer and chairman of the First World Conference Sustainable Building, in Maastricht, Netherlands . He is currently also an Ambassdor for ‘the Soil protection foundation”.







Some past highlights


Author book: People vs Resources (NL: Gebroken Kringlopen)

chair and organiser 1 st World conference Sustainable Building (SB2000, Maastricht)

honorary member of the Chinese academy for Science and Technology, Wuxi, PRChina

expert missions for UNDP, OECD, Nuffic

guest lecturing, in Prague, Zurich, Aachen, Guimaraes (Pt), Hasselt(Be),

advisor to central European countries accession for the EU (“90ties”)

advisor to Ministry of construction , PR China, for Sustainable Building development 2003-2006

Research leader for the pan European ministers of housing conference, 2002

founder and Editor in Chief, Int Magazine ‘Sustainable Building’, 2000-2004

initiative and design demonstration house from recycled materials, 1995 (Dutch IBC environmental award)

Book: Sustainable Housing, a conceptual approach , 2006 ISBN: 978-90-8594-020-3



– office development in Iran: design guidelines and terms of reference for the project: workshops, research, and project brief. 

–  preparation and shared moderating of the  IEA Future Buildings Forum conference, AgentschapNL & ministry of economic affairs

–  (team) work for the Ministry of Construction in China,  exploring the introduction of Sustainable Building: workshops, policy analyses, tool development.

–  local community value study Zaanstad The Netherlands: How can unemployed people create value from their direct built environment, in terms of energy water and food harvests, and more.

–  documentation of global green and successful policy examples for The Canadian Government.

–  assignment for the EU-China program, to assist  Shenzhen City in developing new Urban districts in a sustainable way.

–  community development in Iran coastal area, as a workers village for the Industry: Sustainable community development: total project: local analyses, concept design, materialisation, energyplan, social community strategy.

–  project tours with foreign experts  groups in The Netherlands

–  invited key note presentations : Florence Architecture Forum, IEA Future Buildings Forum, and many others.

–  Speaker invited for several companies events

–  advisor/consultant for new bachelor and master courses.
