Latest News
(next: November see below) In May, there was a first workshop/masterclass based on the recently published book Post Fossil Life. The event took place at the “strotorentje” of Strotec, at[…]
Read moreIn the Press:
In the magazine De Ingenieur about the new book: Interview in the Transition Special of Cobouw:
Read moreSystem Physics Lectures
This past week, project work started again for all 3rd-year Architecture students at the TU Eindhoven. The accompanying lectures focus on System Physics: While building physics mainly concerns comfort and[…]
Read morehow to create a 0-impact built environment

Thats the central question with RiBuilT, Research Institute Built environment of Tomorrow.
Find out more on how this can contribute to your research or building project.
public interest
a few examples of the interest in the activities from the past year. A complete overview in the News section under : “in the News”
(video) Interview on ‘circular’
I was interviewed about 0-impact , circular and closing cycles in support of the “circular design certificate program” by the TU/E(English):
Paper material renewability
All materials are renewable, its the time frame that differs: for metals its millions of years. This has been calculated and categorised, to express in a spacetime unit.
interview: land is our capital
Happy to announce that I was invited to become a ‘Soil Ambassador’. In the interview I put forward Land as the real capital, its where solar energy is converted in useful resources for mankind: energy, food, materials , (interview in Dutch)
Other information channels
together with collegues from Europe, we explore the consequences of the limited CO2 budgets under the 1,5 and 2 degree scenario
buildings carbon budgetsmaximising exergy in the system is the most optimal way to deal with resources. MAXergy is the methodology for this, with Embodied Land as real value.
MAXergyI report regularly on new insights , findings and dicsussions om my blog pages, in Dutch and in English.